I have been very busy sewing for the past few weeks but I couldn't post anything and this is why. Amanda's baby shower was yesterday and I did not want to take any chances she might look and see what I had been working on. When Heather was pregnant with Lilie and found this adorable fabric at one of my favorite quilt shops, Loving Stitches in Michigan. I was sure she was having a boy. I actually started the quilt but didn't finish it. Later when Amanda told us she was having a boy I called the shop and asked them to send me another three yards of fabric. I was able to finish the quilt and make the pj's for Amanda. But I still wanted more! Jim and I took a trip to Michigan and I found one more yard in the clearance pile. I also found a yard of the girl baby fabric from the same line so I bought that too. Heather saw Amanda's blanket and wants one for Lilie. It is a simple edge crocheted around a yard of flannel. I should have it done in a few weeks. I have a couple things I need to finish first.
This past month I was able to knit Kylie and Abbie ponchos. It is the largest knitting project I've completed so far. The pattern was very simple and worked up quickly. It did however, take a long time to find a crocheted flower pattern that I liked. There's a lot of green and I needed something to break it up. I think the flower does the trick. Abbie was very happy with her poncho and agreed to let me take her picture in it. I would like to make them each a hat to match time permitting.
Fall is my favorite time of the year, and fall crafts are among my favorite to make. I've been working on these pumpkins and heirloom tomatoes for my Etsy shop. Simple. Sweet. Fall.
I can't believe how long it's been since I posted on this blog. I have been very busy finishing projects and starting new ones. I completed these three needlepoint pictures over the past few weeks. I spend time early in the morning before any one else it up stitching. I enjoy listening to Moody radio and stitching away. I have a couple other pieces I am working on, all are Christmas pictures. I hope to get three finished for this Christmas.